Ryan is my younger brother. Actually, he’s my only brother, and there’s a sister in between us. He and I have a lot in common despite our 8 year age difference. Years ago, he wrote a graphic novel and self-published, so he was able to share a lot of his experiences when I finally got around to self-publishing. Then, he introduced me to the “con life.” That would probably be funny if “con” didn’t stand for “convention.”
Growing up, we were huge into anime, video games, comic books, and after school and Saturday morning cartoons. I still feel like we haven’t turned into official adults yet, and if you’ve hung out with us at all, you might agree! I’m not sure if that’s something to be proud of or not…
Let’s Get Dangerous
Emily: So I know you wanted to be Darkwing Duck when you grew up, but maybe that’s changed?
Ryan: I always flipflopped on what I wanted to be. Darkwing, the Bat-Gentleman, Bucky O’Hare, Buster Bunny, Babs Bunny? Morning and afternoon cartoons were a huge part of my childhood. So basically I wanted to be an anthropomorphic animal or…dressed as one. Haha. Should I be a furry? But I think I always wanted to be in IT. Every child’s dream.
Emily: Dreams do come true! I mean, it was in the picture books in grade school, right? Information Technologist: Sit behind a computer all day telling it to do things. So what are you working on these days aside from spinning in your cubicle?
Ryan: I have two projects I'm working on. Bartez is my main focus and I'm working towards a second story. I also have another side project I've been working on that I'm hoping to get done. And a podcast! I love podcasts (Never Not Funny, Comedy Bang Bang, Off Book, so many to count!), but much like this interview, I want to sit down and interview independent creators.
Emily: Yeah, you had a plan to talk to a lot of people at conventions—particularly the indies of every convention’s Artist Alley. What’s the last convention you went to? How was it?
Ryan: The last convention I really enjoyed was one of the Richmond Comic Cons. Richmond has a great indie scene. A lot of people were really curious about my book and ask a lot of questions every time I’ve been to one. If we’re talking about the last convention I went to, it was Fairfax Comic Con in Dulles, VA. It wasn’t great as far as sales, but they are still in the second year so I think it’s just a matter of time before they improve.
Emily: Are you doing another convention anytime soon? I kind of want to do Dragon Con. Road trip!
Ryan: I’ve always wanted to go to DragonCon, but there are tons of people. SO many people. We’ve been to AwesomeCon before and if you think that’s big, this is like 20 million times bigger (accurate)? I think the hard part about exhibiting at such a big convention, though is there is going to be too much stuff that I would want to go to! Why man the booth when I can walk around dressed like Spider-man or Ryoga (from Ranma 1/2) or going to an inappropriately funny panel by John Barrowman? Eh, Mark?
Otherwise the next cons I’m going to for fun are my favorites: MAGFest and Katsucon. Go to those. SO much fun.
Mark: As John Barrowman, dressed as Leia said, “Here’s my R2 [pointing to his butt], and here’s my D2! [pointing to his…]”
For anyone interested, here’s the actual John Barrowman panel from AwesomeCon: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0-wVyO_UjXM
Improve Thyself
Emily: What have you read from middle school or high school—or any time—that just stuck with you?
Ryan: This may be a grade school book, but for whatever reason, the book Bunnicula which is about a Dracula bunny who drains the life out of his vegetables. I think that's what it was about. I never stop thinking about this book.
Emily: Have you re-read it recently? I’ve found that when I re-read a book from my childhood, a few things could happen: 1) I’m hit with nostalgia, 2) I wonder why the heck I liked the book, 3) I see the story in a whole new light. Usually, it’s all of the above.
Ryan: I haven’t read it since then. I’m definitely interested in doing so. I’m getting to where everything I watched as a kid is being remade or is available to watch again. In my head I would like everything I knew growing up to be remade, but don’t you dare make it awful. Voltron gave me hope in remakes. Gargoyles, I want that remade. A Darkwing Duck anything. Also, don’t remake and please remake Final Fantasy 3 (6) and Chrono Trigger.
Emily: I agree with all of that. What are you currently reading?
Ryan: I'm currently reading Everything is F**ked: A Book about Hope by Mark Manson.
Emily: Oh, I think that’s on my list. How is it?
Ryan: It’s great so far. I read his other book The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F**k and it really helped change my perspective on how I’m living life.
Emily: What are you reading next?
Ryan: Thrive: The Third Metric to Redefining Success and Creating a Life of Well-Being, Wisdom, and Wonder by Arianna Huffington
Emily: Any good takeaways you’d like to share?
Ryan: Absolutely. For The Subtle Art… not only did it have an effect on life [as a whole], but my life as a “creative” person. I struggled (still struggle, but less so) a lot thinking that Bartez had to be this financially successful thing in order to feel like the time spent was worth it. Even though there are conventions where I get flat out ignored, I don’t feel so bad about it anymore because, I quote, “Who give’s a f**k?” I made this really cool thing.
Emily: What did you read last?
Ryan: Models by Mark Manson.
Emily: Maybe I should start writing self-improvement books. Do you have a preferred genre?
Ryan: For self-improvement books, it would be a lot of books on managing time and tips on how to live a better life. When I'm not reading those, I do like sci-fi and fantasy. Dystopian futures are also very interesting to me. When it comes to graphic novels, I like reading compilations, especially Batman.
Emily: I’m pretty sure I need all the time management advice I can get…so I have time to read all the books.
Emily: People want to know how long you’ve been writing.
Ryan: I've been writing since about 2010. Dropped off for awhile after my last book came out, but working towards getting back into it on a more frequent basis.
Emily: You’ve got, what, three books out now?
Ryan: Yup! Three books. The three books make up one full story arc. I was fortunate enough to work with two amazing artists. Morgan Myers and Gale Galligan who both went to Savannah College of Art and Design (SCAD). Gale is now working on the Babysitter’s Club graphic novels!
Emily: What's your book about? I mean, I’m familiar with it and all the inside jokes, but how would you describe it?
Ryan: Bartez is the late coming-of-age story of Jimmy Barton. As he prepares to go to his ten-year high school anniversary, a slew of unexpected events break him from his comfort zone. His old best friend is murdered, his old flame comes to town, and classmates go missing. It's a lot of punches, kicks, and laughs.
Emily: It’s a graphic novel, but what genre would you classify it?
Ryan: It is an action/comedy/mystery.
Emily: Which of your characters (and from what book) should I interview? Why did you choose that character?
Ryan: Jimmy Barton definitely. He's the main character and he knows everything in his bubble very well.
Emily: Awesome. Keep reading for my interview with Jimmy!
How Well Does Mark Know My Brother?
I thought it would be interesting to see what my husband Mark thinks Ryan’s answers are to the following questions. Let’s see how they compare.
What are you binge-watching?
Mark’s guess: Blazing Transfer Students. If he’s not watching this, he should be.
Ryan’s final answer: Brooklyn Nine-Nine.
Which paladin do you identify with?
Mark’s guess: Is it Keith? I think Ryan’s old school like that.
Ryan’s final answer: Hunk because I love food, but I want to be cool like Keith.
Which pony do you identify with?
Mark’s guess: Oh, man…um…FLUTTERGUY! Because he wishes he could sing like that!
Ryan’s final answer: Apashoopia. It’s the name of the knock-off My Little Pony I had as a kid because I was jealous of my sisters’ REAL My Little Ponies.
Which Hogwarts House are you in?
Mark’s guess: Probably Gryffindor because it’s the only one he can name aside from Slytherin.
Ryan’s final answer: Hufflepuff 4 Lyfe.
What's the last movie you watched?
Mark’s guess: My straight up answer is Joker because I know he really likes clowns. (Emily’s note: Mark and Ryan went to see both It movies together for their bro-dates. Sounds to me like they both like clowns.)
Ryan’s final answer: Joker. Favorite villain ever since I was a kid. Amazing film.
What's your karaoke song go to?
Mark’s guess: Born to Run by Bruce Springsteen.
Ryan’s final answer: Say It Ain't So by Weezer.
Who's your Doctor?
Mark’s guess: Dr. Claw from Inspector Gadget.
Ryan’s final answer: Dr. Evil.
What's your gaming class?
Mark’s guess: Red Mage.
Ryan’s final answer: Lawful Neutral.
Interview with Jimmy Barton a Suspiciously Non-Interesting Guy
Illustration by Gale Galligan
I’m at a place called Cup O' Chords. It’s one of those hipster places that’s part quaint coffee shop and part indie singer/songwriter venue. There’s no live music right now, but the place is bustling with conversation, beards, and tattoos. I’ve got a decent espresso, and I’m trying to figure out if they have tasty pastries worth trying.
Jimmy Barton walks in, looking around as if someone is going to jump him at any minute. He approaches the table where I’m sitting and hands me a…
Emily: Banana?
Jimmy: Sorry. I procrastinated, and I just have this bunch of bananas for crepe night. No one hates bananas. Otherwise, I just have some old pro-wrestling DVDs as well. So I hope you like wrestling and bananas.
Emily: I mean, sure. Okay. Why don’t you sit down and stop looking so nervous. You picked this place, so you must be from this area? Or at least very familiar with it?
Jimmy: I'm from Northern Virginia. Kinda close to DC. Living here still. It's quiet and I have good jobs...I mean job. I have one job.
Emily: So what’s this one job of yours?
Jimmy: I work in a cubicle doing IT. I told you, exciting interview. OH! But I have been training with my best friends on some really cool things. I'm trying to be a professional wrestler, hence the DVDs. I'm doing some guerilla parkour (just at parks—I'm not good yet). And my best friend is teaching me Tae Kwon Do. And I'm training to be a secret agent...wait.
No...we can take that off the record, right? One job. Just the one. Computers. A lot of clicking. Right clicking...copy paste. I watch a lot of YouTube at work.
Wait...strike that from the record, too, please. NEXT QUESTION!
[I scribble a few notes: wrestle mania, secret agent, slacker…]
Emily: So I hear there’s a big event coming up. Care to share, Mr. One-Job-Computer-Guy?
Jimmy: Yeah! Ten-year high school reunion this year at VBI!
Emily: Ah, the Van Buren Institute. Nice! Hanging out with old friends? A best friend?
Jimmy: My best friend is Lee Austin. Been best friends since the first year at VBI. I introduced him to his wife (he owes me big). He's a fourth degree black belt in Tae Kwon Do and he's been teaching me. I'm a red belt. Hoping for that brown belt soon!
Emily: So wrestling, parkour, and Tae Kwon Do. Any other goals you’ve been aspiring to now that you’re ten years out of high school?
Jimmy: My goal is to not see any more of my friends from high school disappear...sorry.
[Jimmy looks visibly relieved. I’m wondering how the conversation went from computer guy to “my friends are missing.” I wonder if I should call the authorities. Jimmy looks like he’s in his own head now, and I’m just sipping on my coffee, listening to him ramble.]
Jimmy: This has really been weighing on me. They're going missing and I have to figure this out. That's the whole secret agent thing. Whew...happy get that out. Ok, so it's cool if I just tell you stuff, say "Off the record" first, and then proceed to tell you stuff and it won't be in the interview right?
Emily: That seems awfully confusing, but I’m not a reporter, so “off the record” doesn’t really mean a whole lot to me.
[Jimmy nods, and I’m not sure if he’s really listening.]
Jimmy: Cool. So "off the record," I want to be tag team wrestling champions. Dang it, switch those "off the records,” just tell people about the wrestling thing. Yay! Fixed it.
[I decide to smile and doodle little pictures in my notebook because I’m not sure what he’s going on about. Is he a secret agent or a tag team wrestler? I’m torn between pushing it and changing the subject. Maybe I’ll see if I can gauge his mental state.]
Emily: What do you find irritating in life?
Jimmy: I never finish anything. It really irritates me, but I never do anything about it, So, I'm hoping finding my missing classmates, I can finish that. Off the record. Also, my co-worker Lynn keeps scaring me at my desk in the mornings. That sucks too. I'm very jumpy.
Emily: No kidding. Well, considering how jumpy you are, what do you do to relax?
Jimmy: I usually just go home to be alone with my thoughts. Also Koko, my little shih-tzu. Totally my best friend, too. Small pups for the win! Then I get a text from Lee and minutes later I'm playing a video game online just telling him my thoughts while being made fun of by prepubescents when they are beating us.
Emily: So your hobbies are gaming, wrestling, Tae Kwon Do, and Parkour. Is the secret agent thing a hobby, too?
Jimmy: Nah, lives are at stake...OFF THE RECORD! I SAID OFF THE RECORD!
Emily: Okay, clearly you don’t want people to know you’re a “secret agent.” So what do you want people to know about you? Because by the end of this interview, they’re going to question your mental stability.
Jimmy: Off the record (haha, got it this time), I want people to know that despite all the crazy stuff happening at my high school reunion, I'm really looking forward to seeing my high school crush, Nicole Owens. On the record, I want people to know that I'm doing my best. I might fail out there and failing could cause a lot of pain to a lot of people. I hope if I finish one thing it's my job...OH! Sorry...I just get really emotional about IT.
For more information on Ryan Peraro and his books, check out the links below:
Web: https://www.projectbartez.com
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/projectbartez/